On the left side of the page you can see the main product catalogue. Click on + or – to expand or collapse a catalogue section or use the images on the top to expand or collpase the whole catalogue. Click on a catalogue section or product to view details. Click on a catalogue section to use the compare functionality for items.
Please enter your selection criteria and click the Start search button.On the product search page it is possible to click on a product code or description to view details. You can also click on a price for price calculation details. On this page you can also compare items.
Search tips You can use wildcards in the product code and description fields. Example: %abc% will select all items containing ‘abc’ in the search argument.
On this page you can see your order. The top part displays the different order entry actions; Order text, Delivery information and Payment information, while the bottom displays your ordered items. To add products to the order, click the Add products link. You can also retrieve interrupted orders with the Interrupted carts link. Important! When your order is complete, you must close the order. Unclosed orders will be considered temporary and will not be processed. To close the order, click the Close cart link.
Order text information
On this page you can maintain order references that are not accessible from the main order page, like your order reference. You can also enter free text for an order in the text box. The text will be printed on all documents related to this order.
Order delivery information
On this page you can maintain information that is not accessible from the main order page. If you choose to change the delivery address, this will be the one used as the order delivery address. To apply your modifications to the order click the Apply button. You will return to the order main page where you can finish your order.
Order payment information
On this page you maintain information about your payment.
On this page you can see your previous orders. To start a new search, go to the selection part of this page, enter the selection criteria and click the Start search button. To copy an order, click either the Copy or Copy to paste area image on one of the orders in the table.
On this page you can see your previous invoices. To start a new search, go to the selection part of this page, enter the selection criteria and click the Start search button.
On this page you can see your previous requests. To start a new search, go to the selection part of this page, enter the selection criteria and click the Start search button. Select request number link to view the details. To delete a request (it is only possible when request is in status NetStore – New), click the Delete image on one of the requests.
On this page you can enter a request, change/remove product lines, update the request header and you can close your request. The top part displays the request header information, while the bottom displays your requested products. Important! When your request is complete, you must close the request. Unclosed request will not be processed. To close the request, please click the Close request link.
Add items to your request Here you can add products to your request. Enter the product codes and quantities and click the Add to request link. Clicking on Go to request will display the whole request, from where you can close your request, change/remove product lines and update the request header information. To add more input lines, click the Extend link. Important! Close your request when ready.
Creating a shopping list is a quick way to enter an item into the system. You can create multiple shopping lists.
How to create a new shopping list
Click on the Order -> Shopping list option in the menu.
- Enter a name id for your shopping list (this field is mandatory).
- Select a customer for your list. If you have several customers connected to your user it is possible to have a list for all your customers.
- Enter a description for the shopping list.
- Click on the button Save shopping list.
If shared shopping list is allowed and you tick the shared with colleagues selection box you will share your list with other colleagues that are connected to the customer.
How to add products to your list
Click on the Add products button on the shopping list entry page and browse to the product search page. There you can search for the items that you want to add to your list.
Beside each item you will see the image. If you want to add the item to your shopping list, enter the quantity and click on the image (if no quantity is entered the quantity will be set to 1 as default).
If you have created several shopping lists you can choose to add items to another shopping list by clicking on the image in the header. You can now browse the catalogue tree or use the product search page to add items to your shopping list.
You can also select more than one item by entering a quantity on several items and click on the image in the header. If you hover the image you will see to which shopping list the items will be added. If you have not chosen a shopping list to work with, you will be asked to select a shopping list the first time you click on the image.
How to use your existing shopping lists
Click on the Order -> Shopping list option in the menu. Then click on the Your list button or click on the list you want to work with. Your shopping lists will now be listed. Select the shopping list that you want to work with. You will now see all the items that are added to your list and you can easily order from the shopping list by ticking the Action selection box in front of every item you want to buy. Enter a quantity, unit, dispatch delivery date and order shipment mark and click on the Add to cart button. The data you entered will be added to the shopping cart.
If you want to have the entered data as default you need to save the list before adding the items to the shopping cart. From this page you can also add products, delete shopping lists, delete lines and create a new Shopping list.
How to create a shopping list from an existing order
Click on the Order -> Order search option in the menu.
Select an order that you want to create a shopping list for by clicking on the image. If you want to add the item to your shopping list, enter the quantity and click on the
image (if no quantity is entered the quantity will be set to 1 as default). When the shopping list is saved all the order lines will be added to the shopping list.
You can view details about your account including financial transactions. You can apply for a new account via the new account option.